Monday, December 14, 2009

Up to Date!!!

Ok so it's official we are up to date! will upload photos and videos soon enjoy everyone!
Outside corner of house.

Inside of the house.

Corner of the house.

View of the house from the meadow through the leave less trees.


Starting from here first videos, newest videos towards bottom of page.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Thanksgiving at the Ross's

Katherine, Dave and Molly Ross number four in the line-up.

Molly "Earth Mother" and creator of all things delicious and homemade.

Celia and Susan.

Dad "Sparky".

Maggie and the infamous baby Bret (Richie and Susan's little boy).

The apple cider prepping crew.

Gabe pressing apples.

Susan (Richie's wife) Gabe, and Celia patiently waiting for cider.

Richie, Dave and Gabe.

Dave and his brother Richie (visiting from Alaska)pressing apples for fresh cider using Dave and Molly's cider press.

Operation Unicorn

Raise and position-Operation Unicorn Complete!

Release rope slowely at the building site.

Walk down the driveway.

Tie rope to the back end of the fork lift. Creating the afore mention unicorn.

Then swing the rope end towards the back end of the fork lift.

Start by tying a rope to the end of the log.

Because the rain created such a muddy mess on the path from the meadow down to the job site a new plan and route had to be worked out. New plan, take the logs down the driveway. Problem the driveway is not wide enough for a forty foot log. Solution "Operation Unicorn".

First Snow Dusting

Muddy, Muddy, Muddaaay, Muuuuday!

Rain, rain go away come again another day, Dave and Sparky want to play rain, rain go away.

Stacking The Logs

A giddy Sparky looking out from the third floor with his breast cancer support ear protection device. Save the tata's!
Looking from the third floor down at the current storage unit and future garden site.

View from the third floor looking towards the meadow.

Up in scissor lift looking down at Dave.

Row #11 complete, with dusting of snow.

The first girder, second floor support.

The temporary door into the house.

Inside house working on row #7.

Putting log dog in place to hold log until it's securely pinned.

Second row log #5.

Ever seen a log Ninja?

Carving a slot for washers to bolt down log at both sides of every door.

Trimming off excess log to butt against the pass log.

Log #4 drilling holes in bottom of log to line up with rebar in foundation.

Bailey the fuzzy supervisor.

Dave pounding rebar over to secure the log to the foundation.
Log #3.

Lunch break.

Shortening rebar with grinder before bending it over to hold log in place.

Log #2.

Lower log #1 down onto the rebar.

First log ready to be stacked.