Bird patiently waiting under Dads feet for falling bugs.

Little bird waiting for Dad to use the spud to peel back the bark and reveal the bugs.

Grub bugs that were between the bark and cambiun layer of some of the logs.

Log preserving cocktail of boric acid, borax, and ethylene glycol.

Needless to say it be bust!

Did you know that power washers are not designed to with stand the weight of a 8,000 pound 43 foot extendable reach fork lift, who knew.

Power washing log deck.

No he's not wearing leggings, he's just taken his socks and boots off after a day of power washing logs. Yes he's wearing his rubby red slippers.
Don't ever trust a man in red shoes.

Sparky, log slayer.

The meadow and the log staging areas.

Bark pile.

Mom got in the bark bucket and dad raised her up in the air with the extendable reach fork lift next few shots are looking down on meadow.

Pretty log, pretty, pretty log.

All logs have been peeled, last log on the right has been peeled and power washed.

After power washing.

After using log spud to peel off bark.


Ready to peel.
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